Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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+1 -800-456-478-23

Public Relations

We strategically partnered with LEIDAR, a global Public Relations powerhouse headquartered in Geneva. We are on a simple mission: to help leaders navigate the many issues and challenges in today’s world, using high-impact communications and leadership strategies.


The vision, mission, values and purpose of an organization are much more than just statements. They capture the organization’s essence and act as a vital guide for operations, behavior, and growth. Every organization is unique and it can be hard to capture that uniqueness. 

That is why we facilitate discussions around your North Star. A process that leads to a clear vision, mission, values and purpose that inspire successful navigation and engaging communications.


Our mission is to help our clients set their course, navigate the increasingly complex world, and communicate effectively with their stakeholders.

Our products and services are organized with clear mission, which we brand as Leadership Navigation:set the course, navigate and communicate.


Our mission is to help our clients set their course, navigate the increasingly complex world, and communicate effectively with their stakeholders.  

Our products and services are organized with this clear mission, which we brand as Leadership Navigation: set the course, navigate, and communicate.


Communications, marketing, public affairs: all engagement disciplines are shifting closer together and using the same tools to identify and address target audiences. This requires an integrated strategic approach. Such approaches need distinct vision, mission, values and purpose to create the right engagement within your organization and for building strong support from your stakeholders. Importantly, it should not remain static.  

Changes in leadership, market developments, corporate mergers or spin-offs are all good reasons for re-aligning your strategy. Our role is to listen, guide and shape the process, enabling top executives and management teams to agree on, and stick to, the common direction: your North Star.

Mission Research and Insight

The increasing complex stakeholder landscape constantly calls for new and innovative approaches to research. Communications strategies have to be based on insights. And organizations need the full picture of the landscape they are operating in. This applies equally at all levels, from senior leadership to individual functions and team leads.


  • Operating landscape foresight.
  • External perception audits among key stakeholders / customers · Internal / HR functional audit
  • Competitor benchmarking and USP definition
  • Communications audit : Advocacy audit.
  • Digital channel analysis.

Mission Research and Insight

The increasing complex stakeholder landscape constantly calls for new and innovative approaches to research. Communications strategies have to be based on insights. And organizations need the full picture of the landscape they are operating in. This applies equally at all levels, from senior leadership to individual function and team leads.


  • Operating landscape foresight.
  • External perception audits among key stakeholders / customers · Internal / HR functional audit
  • Competitor benchmarking and USP definition
  • Communications audit : Advocacy audit.
  • Digital channel analysis.

Change Management

Organizations undergoing change face two distinct sets of challenges: making the right operational changes and, critically engaging with both internal and external audiences to understand, accept and embrace the need for change and the substance of that change.

Change Communication

Without stakeholders’ support, operational changes won’t work. We act as a partner throughout that change management process. First, we help organizations articulate the ‘why of change’. We then support the communication of the how, using the best channels to disseminate information about what the change really means in practice for the stakeholders

// latest case studies

Introduce Our Projects

We have assisted clients in successfully navigating challenging journey of business innovation via digital transformation